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Digital Book
Project this book on your wall, Smartboard, or Prometheus screen to read in class. Complete with interactive hidden objects that pop up when you click them!

Porter Read-Along Video
Sean Covel, Author of Porter the Hoarder, reads the book and offers viewers the chance to spot all of Porter's hidden objects and decide if she can keep them.

How to Draw Porter Video
In this video Illustrator, Rebecca Swift, demonstrates each step to drawing Porter and includes examples of using simple facial features to create several emotions.
Pictures from our reading and signing events that you may use for your promotional materials.
Meet the
Sean Covel
Sean Covel is a film and television producer who grew up in a blip of a town in the BlackHills of South Dakota. His credits include Beneath for Paramount Pictures, The 12 Dogs of Christmas directed by Academy Award Winner, Keith Merrill, and the iconic independent film, Napoleon Dynamite.
Together, Sean’s movies have played lots of places, won a bunch of awards and whatever, and — most importantly — gotten nerds prom dates across the globe. Hevery much wishes that would’ve been the case when he was in high school.
Sean enjoys shooting movies, writing weirdo children’s books with his weirdo friends, and lecturing at universities and film festivals internationally, but he hangs his nunchucks in Deadwood, SD
Rebecca Swift
Rebecca Swift should’ve had a perfectly reasonable career in a perfectly reasonablefield. This is due to having excellent parents. Imagine their concern as their daughterexpressed interest in all things “the arts.”
In addition to drawing doodles and painting pictures, Rebecca is an established singer-songwriter, having been on American Idol and releasing her first album North of Normallater that same year. When not art-ing up the place, Rebecca works as a professionalmakeup artist. Which is still art. But on faces.
Rebecca is a proud mum to two girls (Quinn and Logan) and a lil dude (Tommy). Thethree were in no way an inspiration for the Porter the Hoarder series. Except that theywere. Completely. Logan has a thing for stashing candy that is borderline interventioninspiring. ...It’s a concern.
Rebecca hangs her many, many (many) hats in Bridgewater, SD
New Porter the Hoarder Book Releases!
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